31 March 2023 - 2906 views
SAP HANA has several functions to help query JSON data and in this article, we'll take a look at how to use the
JSON_TABLE function to query JSON data stored in a regular column.
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Connect To HANA DB Using Rust
21 February 2023 - 2895 views
hdbconnect package makes it easy to connect to a HANA database using Rust and in this article, we'll take a look at how to establish a connection and perform some queries.
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If Table Exists Function
31 October 2019 - 9012 views
Some database systems such as MSSQL and MySQL provide a way to determine if a table exists using a statement like
IF EXISTS. Most commonly it's used along side the
DROP statement to drop a table if it exists because dropping a table that doesn't exist results in an error. That's not so much of a problem if you simply want to "fire and forget" but if your writing an installation script that installs/updates your product, the last thing you want is an error. Unfortunately as of writing, HANA doesn't have an equivalent
IF EXISTS statement or function. Fortunately, a workaround is to create a custom function.
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SAP provides a NodeJs client library to connect to a HANA system. The client library is available as part of the SAP HANA HDB client software, which can be downloaded when installing HANA Express or by installing from the SAP npm repository.
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This article explains how to connect to a SAP HANA system using the Python hdbcli package. The package is available as part of the SAP HANA HDB client software. The client software can be downloaded when installing HANA Express.
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As of SPS8, SAP introduced the ability to create auto generated columns that increment by using IDENTITY. Auto generated columns only apply to
Column table types. To create an auto generated column, simply add
GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY to the column as shown in Listing 1 below.
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As of writing, there is no native PHP client library to connect directly to HANA DB. For those wanting to develop PHP applications, you will need to use ODBC. Installing and configuring the PHP ODBC library and the HANA ODBC client library on Ubuntu is very simple. This article assumes, you are installing on Ubuntu 16 using PHP 7.
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Connect To HANA DB Using Java
03 November 2017 - 5412 views
Connecting to a HANA system using Java requires the JDCB
ngdbc.jar driver. This driver comes as part of the HANA Studio installation. You can also download it when installing HANA Express using the download manager.
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SAP HANA automatically manages loading and unloading column table into and from memory but there are times you might want to manually do this process. This can be done quickly using the query below. You will need to have the
TABLE ADMIN System privilege.
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01 August 2017 - 6876 views
M_SERVICE_MEMORY is a System View, that is used to provide detailed information about memory usage for HANA services. The service that consumes the most amount of memory is the
indexserver. The indexserver provides numerous functionalities such as processing incoming SQL and MDX statements. It also contains the actual data and data logs. As a result, the memory consumption of this service may increase over time.
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Create A Tenant Database
25 July 2017 - 30520 views
This article describes how to create a tenant database in HANA DB. To create a tenant database, first login to SystemDB using the SYSTEM user either by using hdbsql or HANA Studio. Execute the following SQL statement to create the database
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The new releases of HANA DB including HANA Express support Multitenant Database Containers (MDC). The concept of Multitenant Database Containers can be confusing for those coming from a background where a database server can host many databases such as MySQL. Why? Because you naturally expect a database server to be capable of hosting more than one database irrespective of database vendor. The idea that a database server could only host one database would raise an eyebrow for many developers.
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hdbuserstore is a program that is installed as part of the HANA client package, which allows client machines to store connection details securely. This article explains how to use the hdbuserstore program to manage connections.
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You can uninstall HANA Express by using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) command-line interface. To do this change directory to
/hana/shared/HXE/hdblcm in a terminal. Change HXE to your SID. Once in the directory, execute the following command.
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This article is a continuation of
Install HANA Express 2.0 On Ubuntu 16 Xenial. Please read the previous article if you don't have a HANA Express system installed.
hdbsql is a command line tool that allows you to connect to a HANA database and execute queries. To use this tool, you first need to login as the
hxeadm user. You can do this by simply changing users in a terminal.
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This articles explains how to install HANA Express 2.0 on Ubuntu 16 Xenial. SAP HANA, express edition is officially supported on SLES, however it has been installed on Ubuntu, OpenSuse and Fedora by SAP community members. In this article I will explain how to install HANA Express on Ubuntu 16 Xenial.
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Introduction To SAP HANA
08 June 2017 - 1850 views
This overview is a basic introduction to SAP HANA for developers who want to start developing applications using HANA DB.
SAP HANA is an in-memory relational database management system (RDMS) developed and marketed by SAP. HANA stores large amounts of data in memory and uses hard disk to store backups of the data. This makes analyzing large volumes of data at real time more efficient. HANA is a combination of software and hardware working together to maximize performance. SAP has partnered with IT hardware vendors like IBM, Cisco and many others to sell the SAP HANA platform. Below is a few features HANA provides.
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