Count File Types In Directory
29 January 2023 - 2881 views
In this last article on developing a command line program, we'll develop a program that counts the occurrence of different file types in a directory and its sub-directories. The program will accept a directory as an argument and recursively scan all sub-directories. We'll use a
HashMap to keep track of the count for each file type.
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Port Scanner
05 January 2023 - 8276 views
In the previous article, we developed a simple command line program that counted how many times a word occurred in a text file. The article gave us a brief introduction to the env, collections, and fs modules. In this article, we'll take a look at the TcpStream struct from the
net module to develop a simple port scanner.
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Word Frequency Counter
02 January 2023 - 1207 views
The best way to learn any programming language is to develop small meaningful programs that are easy to write and serve a purpose. In this three part article, we'll develop several small command line programs. Each article will focus on a different part of the standard library.
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