A JavaScript Implementation Of The Logo Programming Language - Part 1

The Logo programming language was designed by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon in 1967 as an educational tool. The language was used to program a robotic turtle that would draw graphics given a series of instructions. In later years the physical robot was replaced by a virtual on-screen turtle. Over the years, various institutions and organizations have implemented the language with additional features. Notable major implementations are UCBLogo and MSWLogo.

In this four-part article, we will develop a basic implementation of the original Logo programming language in JavaScript by creating a Lexer and a Parser. To render the graphics, we will parse the Logo statements and compile an HTML output file that consists of an SVG element.

Before proceeding, let's take a moment to look at some Logo programming code.

Listing 1


The code in Listing 1 above shows a complete set of statements required to produce a square shape. The command FORWARD 100 and RIGHT 90 can be thought of as function names that accept a single argument. Logo's syntax allows for more complex statements such as loops. The code above can be rewritten to use the REPEAT statement as shown below.

Listing 2

    FORWARD 100 
    RIGHT 90

Repeat statements can also be nested. The code below shows how to produce a square using nested loops.

Listing 3


    REPEAT 2 [ 
        FORWARD 100 
        RIGHT 90

The use of loops allows a Logo developer to create complex shapes and patterns without having to write a lot of code. Take a look at the code sample below and the image it produces.

Listing 4


    RIGHT 45

    REPEAT 120 [
        FORWARD 2
        RIGHT 1

    RIGHT 60

    REPEAT 120 [
        FORWARD 2
        RIGHT 1

    RIGHT 60


The first task in developing the Logo language is to read a given source code and break it down into small units. These units are typically called a lexeme or more commonly a token. In computer science, a lexer is used to perform lexical analysis on a sequence of characters and symbols and give meaning to each lexeme when a match occurs. Let's take a look at an example for a better understanding. Consider the following statement below.

Listing 5

print 5 + ( 2 * x )

In order to process this statement, a lexer will need to break it down into tokens. The simplest way to tokenize this statement is to split it on white space characters which will produce the following array of tokens.

Listing 6


This approach will only work if words and symbols are separated by a space character in the source input. Consider the following two expressions. Both are valid but only the first expression can be tokenized using the space character.

Listing 7

//Characters separated by a space character
5 + 5

// No space character

We can solve this problem by splitting on more than one character using regular expressions. If you have used regular expressions before, you will know that the special pipe | character is used to denote an OR operation. Since we need to split on one or more characters, we can use the | character to construct a regular expression. Let's take a look at a JavaScript function that can take an input source and tokenize it using a regular expression pattern.

Listing 8

let str = "print 5 + ( 2 * x )";

function tokenize(str){
    let regex = new RegExp(/( |\+|-|\*|\/|\(|\))/);

    return str.split(regex);

let tokens = tokenize(str);


The tokenize() function splits an input string using multiple characters space, +, -, *, /, (, ). You may have noticed that the pattern also includes backslashes \. This is because some characters such as the + and * have a special meaning in regular expressions and as a result, we need to escape these characters using a backslash.

We now have a collection of tokens that we can parse using a parser. However, a lexer not only tokenizes a string but also gives meaning to each token that describes the token type. For example we can say that the token 1 is of type INT and * is of type OPERATOR. Additionally most lexers will also include a line number, which is helpful when generating syntax error messages.

While we can use regular expressions to capture named groups that we can use for the token type, I personally find this approach complicated and hard to maintain and so we will rewrite the tokenize() function and remove the regular expression. Instead, we will use a loop to read one character at a time. This process can be broken down into the following steps.

Create a global string variable (token) to hold the current token.
Create a global array variable (tokens) to hold a collection of tokens.
Split the source input on line breaks.
Iterate over each line.
For each line read one character at a time.
Append each character to the token variable.
If the current character is either space, +, -, *, /, (, ), take the current token and determine its type then add it to an object with the line number.
Add the object to the tokens array.
Clear the token variable and continue.

Let's take a look at the updated tokenize() function.

Listing 9

function tokenize(str){

    // Split the string on new lines.
    let lines = str.split("\n");

    let strToken = '';
    let tokens = [];
    let symbols = {
        ' ' : 'T_SPACE',
        '+' : 'T_PLUS', 
        '-' : 'T_MINUS',
        '*' : 'T_MULTIPLY',
        '/' : 'T_DIVIDE',
        '(' : 'T_LEFT_PAREN',
        ')' : 'T_RIGHT_PAREN',
        '[' : 'T_LEFT_BRACKET',
        ']' : 'T_RIGHT_BRACKET'

    // Iterate over each line
    for(let i=0; i < lines.length; i++){

        let line = lines[i];

        // Iterate over each character in the current line
        for(let j=0; j < line.length; j++){

            let char = line[j];

            // Check if the current character exists in the symbols object

                let token = {};

                // Check that the current token is not empty
                if(strToken.length > 0){

                    // Default type
                    let type = 'T_STRING';

                    // Is the token a float ?
                    let isNum = parseFloat(strToken);

                        type = 'T_NUMBER'

                    // Store the string token, type and line number into an object
                    token = {
                        value : strToken,
                        type : type,
                        line : i

                    // Add the object to the tokens array


                // Store the current charatcer as a seperate token
                token = {
                    value : char,
                    type : symbols[char],
                    line : i


                // Clear the token and continue
                strToken = '';
            // Append the current character to the token
            strToken += char;

        // After the loop above completes, the strToken varibale may contain a token.
        // Default type
        let type = 'T_STRING';

        // Is the token a float ?
        let isNum = parseFloat(strToken);

            type = 'T_NUMBER'

        token = {
            value : strToken,
            type : type,
            line : i

        // Add the object to the tokens array


    return tokens;

let str = `print 5 + 
( 2 * x )`;

let tokens = tokenize(str);


// Output

[ { value: "print", type: "T_STRING", line: 0 },
  { value: " ", type: "T_SPACE", line: 0 },
  { value: "5", type: "T_NUMBER", line: 0 },
  { value: " ", type: "T_SPACE", line: 0 },
  { value: "+", type: "T_PLUS", line: 0 },
  { value: " ", type: "T_SPACE", line: 0 },
  { value: "(", type: "T_LEFT_PAREN", line: 1 },
  { value: " ", type: "T_SPACE", line: 1 },
  { value: "2", type: "T_NUMBER", line: 1 },
  { value: " ", type: "T_SPACE", line: 1 },
  { value: "*", type: "T_MULTIPLY", line: 1 },
  { value: " ", type: "T_SPACE", line: 1 },
  { value: "x", type: "T_STRING", line: 1 },
  { value: " ", type: "T_SPACE", line: 1 },
  { value: ")", type: "T_RIGHT_PAREN", line: 1 } ]

The code has increased significantly but if you follow it through and read the comments, you will realize that it's not too difficult to understand. Each character that we need to split on has its own token type. Additionally, there are two other types (T_STRING and T_NUMBER). A comprehensive lexer will be able to detect other types such as keywords and variables.

The lexer that we have created so far will work for simple expressions, but we want to develop a lexer for the Logo programming language. We need to add two more characters to the list of split characters in the symbols object. Update the symbols object to include [ and ] characters as shown below.

Listing 10

let symbols = {
    ' ' : 'T_SPACE',
    '+' : 'T_PLUS', 
    '-' : 'T_MINUS',
    '*' : 'T_MULTIPLY',
    '/' : 'T_DIVIDE',
    '(' : 'T_LEFT_PAREN',
    ')' : 'T_RIGHT_PAREN',
    '[' : 'T_LEFT_BRACKET',
    ']' : 'T_RIGHT_BRACKET'

We now have a lexer function that we can use to tokenize Logo statements. In part two, we will develop a TokenCollection class that will encapsulate the array of tokens returned from the tokenize() function. By creating this class, we will be able to traverse the array of tokens using helper methods such as getNextToken() and getPreviousToken().

Continue reading Part 2 - TokenCollection Class




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